
共 4 条近义词

  • 断鹤续凫

    duàn hè xù fú

    断鹤续凫凫:野鸭。截断白鹤的长腿接到野鸭的短脚上。比喻违背自然规律做事。例断鹤续凫矫作者妄。——《聊斋志异陆判》英try to shorten the neck of a crane and leugthen that of an owl;[查看详情]

  • 饮鸩止渴

    yǐn zhèn zhǐ kě

    饮鸩止渴晋葛洪《抱朴子嘉遁》:“咀漏脯以充肌酣鸩酒以止渴。”。喝鸩毒之酒以解渴比喻只图眼前不顾后患。英drinking poison to quench thirst;[查看详情]

  • 拔苗助长

    bá miáo zhù zhăng

    拔苗助长即揠苗助长嫌禾苗长得慢而用手向上提以助其生长。比喻不顾事物发展的客观规律强求速成反而把事情搞坏。例他还是个孩子呀,可别拔苗助长哟!英pull up the rice shoots with the intention of helping them to grow; try to help the shoots grow by pulling them upw[查看详情]

  • 适得其反

    shì dé qí făn

    适得其反适:恰恰。恰恰得到相反的结果。英run counter to one’s desire; the result is just the contrary; accomplish the very opposite;[查看详情]